Cartoons to destroy your will to live.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy 9/11!!

Ah, yes. If ONLY we would "allow" a plane to fly into the white house! I would say this is the height of 9/11 exploitation (or at least a sign that 9/11 jokes are now so non-edgy that stodgy, award-winning Republicans can make them), if it wasn't for tomorrow (Glenn Beck Presents The Million Rascal Scooter March on Washington) boasting a return to "the 9/12 mindset" as a positive thing. Personally, I can't wait for this "protest." Why? Because, although the thought of the nation's broken down, semi-illiterate, cracker MORANS actively trying to push us back to a day most of us associate with non-stop fear, uncertainty, or anger instead of national unity is a mite terrifying, its still great. Because we get to see these people again.

And they look like this:

God bless us, every one!


  1. Wow, you really, really hate the fuck out of freedom, don't you?

    I remember when we talked about this. I'm super psyched that you're doing it. I'll be sweating you big time.

  2. And speaking of awesome protest signs:

  3. Okay, this one is for the Russian history nerds in the hizzy:

    The common clay of the new know, morons.

